Frequently Asked Questions

  • As someone that has been coaching micro businesses for over 16 years, I know that what you don’t have is a big budget and lots of infrastructure, so you need business coaching that takes those two things into consideration.

    Luckily, I have a solution to that. 

    This question comes up all the time, so I have written a blog about it. Just click here to read on.

  • Business coaching is a process by which a professional coach guides a business owner in the pursuit of their business goals, that includes growth of some kind. But that is only a part of the picture. 

    I’ve written a blog about this which you can read here. If you would like to find out more, just book in for a FREE 90 minute Coaching Call and I can explain.

  • Business plans are great for many reasons, but we will not be creating a business plan together. The growth programmes I offer are focussed on helping you increase your profits so we will create an action plan together, not a business plan. 

    The action plan is based on your personal goals, (I.e. What you want your business to be facilitating for you in your personal life), from which we create objectives to move you closer to those goals. And from those objectives we create specific actions. It’s through completing these actions that you build the consistency to realise those goals. Trust me, it works. 

    If you are seeking investment or funding of some kind and you need a business plan for that, then I can definitely help (I might have written one or two over the years…!

  • The free call is designed to help you work out if coaching is going to help your business, as well as seeing if we are a good fit for each other. The most important thing to me is that you find the session of value, and that it helps you make progress in some way. 

    I offer the coaching call because every business is different, and every business owner has a different starting point. I can’t necessarily tell you exactly how I can help your business, but through the coaching call I can show you and we can explore what you need. 

    It also gives you a chance to offload as I will do a LOT of listening. 

    There is absolutely no obligation to work with me after the coaching call.

  • One of the main reasons I work exclusively with small and micro businesses is because I am one and have been in this world for over 27 years. So, I know what the issues are because I have struggled with them too. 

    The one thing we all have in common is a lack of budget and a lack of infrastructure. We don’t have the luxury of delegating tasks to teams of people. So how do we make progress? 

    Through the programmes I offer, we look at the time you devote to your business every week, what you are trying to achieve and work back from there. If you are so busy delivering in your business that you don’t have time to work on your business, then you are never going to make progress. 

    I will help you create a plan that allows you to run your business AND work on your business at the same time, in a way that is sustainable for you. Because every business owner’s situation is so different I can’t tell you exactly how much time that will be each week, but I can tell you that this is more than achievable, and it gets results.

  • When you agree to start working with me, it’s important that you are ready to commit to the process. However, despite our best efforts, life can, and does, get in the way. 

    If you start a programme but are not able to continue for whatever reason, we can either pause or end the programme until you are ready to pick up again.** 

    N.B. ** If you are on a monthly payment plan then you will still need to pay until the work carried out has been paid for in full. I will never charge you for work that is to be carried out in the future so there is no extended tie in.