What Is The Kindness Economy? How To Build Business From Truth, Integrity & Authenticity

When we went in to lockdown I noticed a Tweet by journalist and author Caitlin Moran where she said she was going to start making a list of businesses who had treated their customers and staff well during lockdown, and those that hadn’t so she knew who to support in the future and I don’t think she has been alone

This crisis has exposed the businesses who really are purely focused on growth in profits, with a total disregard for human kindness, let alone dignity and ultimately safety.

So how did we get here?

This talk I gave on 30th May 2020 as guest speaker at Oxon Hoath Retreats explores why ‘business’ has become a dirty word and what the Covid-19 crisis has exposed about what people now value. It debunks the myth of endless economic growth and how we can build a fairer more positive society through business.

To listen click on the links below


"To Thine Own Self Be True" How to live (and work) authentically, and why it is more relaxing.


Introverts Can Be Business Owners Too